CHARLOTTE — Faithful across the Diocese of Charlotte gathered on Oct. 6 to kick off Respect Life Month and form Life Chains as a public witness to the dignity of all human life.
Amid ongoing response efforts to Tropical Storm Helene, many areas still held the annual event.
“{Jesus} calls each of us to respect that gift of life in every human person,” said Bishop Michael T. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
“While we live in a society that often rejects those who are weak, fragile, or vulnerable, they are the most in need of our care and protection. Through the graces of this revival, may we witness, work, and vote so that all children in the womb will be protected in law and welcomed in love, and that all mothers and families will be strengthened by our support and accompaniment.”