Chapter 2
Adult Jewish men were required to travel to Jerusalem to celebrate three yearly religious feasts described in the sixteenth chapter of Deuteronomy - Passover, the feast of Weeks, and the feast of Tabernacles. How did the feast of Weeks come to be called Pentecost, and what instructions does God give the Israelites for celebrating this feast (see Lev 23:15-17)?
In Acts 2:2, the sound of a mighty wind indicates the arrival of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, where the disciples have been praying for nine days. What Old Testament writings describe the actions of the wind in connection with the Holy Spirit (see Gen 1:1-2 and Ezek 37:1-10)? What does the Church teach about the relationship between the wind and the Holy Shipit (see CCC 691)?
And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. In Acts 2:3-4 (our suggested memory verses), the Holy Spirit appears in the form of fire. How does fire figure into the preaching of John the Baptist (see Lk 3:15-16) and of Jesus (see Lk 12:49)? How does Paul use fire as a symbol for the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit’s actions in his First Letter to the Thessolonians (see 1 Thess 5:19)?
In Acts 2:1-4, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples gathered in Jerusalem echoes another significant Old Testament manifestation of God that occurred at Mount Sinai after Moses led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. List parallels between these two important biblical events (see Ex 19:16-19)?
Acts 2:4-6 describes how devout Jews from every nation under heaven are able to understand the disciples, who have begun to speak in other tongues as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit. How is this event related to the Old Testament story about what happened when humans attempted to build a tower at Babel (see Gen 11:1-9)? What information does the Holy Spirit communicate on the day of Pentecost, and what does God expect the Jews who hear and understand to do with this information?
In Acts 2:14, Peter preaches to the multitude that has gathered citing prophetic passages from the Old Testament book of Joel as an introductory text. What do Joel’s writings suggest will confirm the arrival of the “last days” or the messianic age (see Joel 2:28)? How do other prophecies make similar claims (see Isa 32:15, Isa 44:3, Ezek 39:29)?
In his Pentecost address, Peter cites passages from several of the Psalms. How do the passages Peter mentions support his strong belief that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah (see Ps 16:10, Ps 110:1, Ps 132:11, and CCC627)?
In Acts 2:37, Luke records that when the people learn they’re responsible for crucifying the Messiah, they’re cut to the heart. What does Peter tell them they need to do? What does the Church teach regarding the effects of this sacrament (see CCC 1226, CCC 1262, and CCC1427)? In Acts 2:39, what does Peter imply about who can receive this sacrament, and how does the Church interpret his works (see CCC 1252)?
When Peter tells his listeners to save themselves from “this crooked generation,” how is he relating their situation to that of the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years after being led out of Egypt by Moses (see Deut 32:5)? In Acts 2:41, Luke records that there were about 3,000 souls who were baptized on the day of Pentecost. What is the significance of this number (see Ex 32:27-28)?
Capítulo 2
Los hombres judíos adultos debían viajar a Jerusalén para celebrar tres fiestas religiosas anuales descritas en el capítulo dieciséis del Deuteronomio: la Pascua, la fiesta de las Semanas y la fiesta de los Tabernáculos. ¿Cómo llegó a llamarse Pentecostés a la fiesta de las Semanas, y qué instrucciones da Dios a los israelitas para celebrar esta fiesta (véase Levítico 23:15-17)?
En Hechos 2:2, el sonido de un viento fuerte indica la llegada del Espíritu Santo a Jerusalén, donde los discípulos habían estado orando durante nueve días. ¿Qué escritos del Antiguo Testamento describen las acciones del viento en relación con el Espíritu Santo (véase Génesis 1:1-2 y Ezequiel 37:1-10)? ¿Qué enseña la Iglesia sobre la relación entre el viento y el Santo Monte (véase CIC 691)?
Y se les aparecieron lenguas como de fuego, repartidas y posadas sobre cada uno de ellos. Y todos estaban llenos del Espíritu Santo y comenzaron a hablar en otras lenguas, conforme el Espíritu les dejaba que hablasen. En Hechos 2:3-4 (nuestros versículos sugeridos para memorizar), el Espíritu Santo aparece en forma de fuego. ¿Cómo figura el fuego en la predicación de Juan el Bautista (ver Lc 3:15-16) y de Jesús (ver Lc 12:49)? ¿Cómo usa Pablo el fuego como símbolo de la energía transformadora de las acciones del Espíritu Santo en su Primera Carta a los Tesalonicenses (ver 1 Tes 5:19)?
En Hechos 2:1-4, el descenso del Espíritu Santo sobre los discípulos reunidos en Jerusalén hace eco de otra manifestación significativa de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento que ocurrió en el Monte Sinaí después de que Moisés sacó a los israelitas de la esclavitud en Egipto. ¿Enumere los paralelismos entre estos dos importantes eventos bíblicos (ver Éx 19:16-19)?
Hechos 2:4-6 describe cómo los judíos devotos de todas las naciones bajo el cielo pueden entender a los discípulos, quienes han comenzado a hablar en otras lenguas como resultado de estar llenos del Espíritu Santo. ¿Cómo se relaciona este evento con la historia del Antiguo Testamento sobre lo que sucedió cuando los humanos intentaron construir una torre en Babel (ver Génesis 11:1-9)? ¿Qué información comunica el Espíritu Santo en el día de Pentecostés, y qué espera Dios que hagan con esta información los judíos que escuchan y entienden?
En Hechos 2:14, Pedro predica a la multitud que se ha reunido citando pasajes proféticos del libro de Joel del Antiguo Testamento como texto introductorio. ¿Qué sugieren los escritos de Joel que confirmará la llegada de los “últimos días” o la era mesiánica (ver Joel 2:28)? ¿Cómo hacen otras profecías afirmaciones similares (ver Isaías 32:15, Isaías 44:3, Ezequiel 39:29)?
En su discurso de Pentecostés, Pedro cita pasajes de varios de los Salmos. ¿Cómo apoyan los pasajes que menciona Pedro su firme creencia de que Jesús es el Mesías largamente esperado (véase Sal 16:10, Sal 110:1, Sal 132:11 y CIC 627)?
En Hechos 2:37, Lucas registra que cuando el pueblo se entera de que es responsable de crucificar al Mesías, se siente profundamente conmovido. ¿Qué les dice Pedro que deben hacer? ¿Qué enseña la Iglesia sobre los efectos de este sacramento (véase CIC 1226, CIC 1262 y CIC 1427)? En Hechos 2:39, ¿qué insinúa Pedro sobre quién puede recibir este sacramento y cómo interpreta la Iglesia sus obras (véase CIC 1252)?
Cuando Pedro les dice a sus oyentes que se salven de “esta generación perversa”, ¿cómo relaciona su situación con la de los israelitas que vagaron por el desierto durante cuarenta años después de haber sido sacados de Egipto por Moisés (véase Deuteronomio 32:5)? En Hechos 2:41, Lucas registra que hubo alrededor de 3.000 almas que fueron bautizadas el día de Pentecostés. ¿Cuál es el significado de esta cifra (véase Éxodo 32:27-28)?
Next weekend is the Knights of Columbus Poinsettias sale after all the Masses. Please support our Knights.
St. James Council 7152 Knights of Columbus to Honor Our Veterans After all masses the weekend of November 2, 2024, the Knights of Columbus will collect the names and branch of service for deceased family members who served in the United States Military. The names will be placed on ribbons displayed on U.S. Flags outside the church from November 8 - 11, 2024, in honor of Veterans Day
First Friday, “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,” volunteers needed: On the First Friday of every month, from September to May, is the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The consecrated host is displayed in a monstrance on the altar and cannot be left unattended. Starting December 3rd, at 8 o'clock Mass, "Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament" will be observed from 07:30 to 07:55 before mass. Starting Wednesday December 6th at 6 o'clock Mass, "Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament" will be observed from 5:30 to 5: 55 PM. Please remain respectful & quiet during this time frame.
The Mexican Mobile Consulate will be at St. Philip the Apostle from 28 of October to 1st of November.
A mobile unit from the Mexican consulate in Raleigh will provide consular services, including:
Issuing official documents, such as passports, certificates and serving those how hold dual citizenship. To make an appointment call 4243090009 or visit the official website, visit the webpage to find more
CHARLOTTE — Faithful across the Diocese of Charlotte gathered on Oct. 6 to kick off Respect Life Month and form Life Chains as a public witness to the dignity of all human life.
Amid ongoing response efforts to Tropical Storm Helene, many areas still held the annual event.
“{Jesus} calls each of us to respect that gift of life in every human person,” said Bishop Michael T. Burbidge of Arlington, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
“While we live in a society that often rejects those who are weak, fragile, or vulnerable, they are the most in need of our care and protection. Through the graces of this revival, may we witness, work, and vote so that all children in the womb will be protected in law and welcomed in love, and that all mothers and families will be strengthened by our support and accompaniment.”
!!!!!! PARISHIONERS: Western North Carolina with its devastating Hurrican Helene impacting various communities are in need of food, water, diapers, toiletries, pet food and etc. Our Parish is collecting these items from now until 15th October. Donations can be dropped off Monday, Tuesday, and Friday between 8:30 AM thru 3:30 PM, Location for drop off is the food closet building. Donation drop off time for Wednesday and Thursday is between 8:30 AM to 09:00 PM and after all weekend Masses.
Many of you are asking how you can help and where you should donate. I know I only included a fraction of where you can donate, but below is a list. If you have reputable place in mind, please put it in the comments for others:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has started taking applications for the Individual Assistance Program. Call 800-621-3362 or go to to get started on an application.
Samaritan's Purse is responding in 5 locations to hurricane Helene. They are looking for day and overnight volunteers in all locations. You can find more details about all our responses and how you can volunteer at There is also a link to donate on their website.
The North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund is now accepting contributions for hurricane damage. Contributions help with the unmet needs of hurricane victims. This is the link to donate:
The American Red Cross is on the ground helping people who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene. Here is a link to donate: - Here is a link to volunteer:
Operation Airdrop's mission focuses on delivering essential supplies, hot meals, and support to communities affected by the storm. They are taking supply donations and monetary donations. You can find those on their website:
MONROE: Monroe has 3 drop-off locations for relief supplies. You can find the a list of the locations and what is being accepted here:
CHARLOTTE BREWERIES: Several Charlotte breweries and restaurants are collecting essential supplies to deliver to the western region of North Carolina. Here is a link to find a list of items:
Charlotte Motor Speedway is hosting hurricane relief drive in conjunction with the NASCAR industry through 9 PM Wednesday.
Ashe County – Westwood Elementary School, Mountain View Elementary School
Buncombe County – UNC-Asheville, Asheville Buncombe Tech Ferguson, WNC Ag. Center, Asheville-Buncombe Tech Conference Center, Biltmore Baptist Church, The Greens at Weaverville, Fletcher Nursing and Rehabilitation.
Catawba – Catawba Valley Community College Tarlton Complex
Henderson County – First Baptist Church Hendersonville, Greens at Hendersonville
Madison County – Madison County Cooperative Extension Service
McDowell County – Nebo Crossing Church, Grace Community Church
Mitchell County – First Baptist Spruce Pine
Polk County – Polk County High School
Rowan County – Rowan-Cabarrus YMCA
Watauga – Cove Creek Volunteer Fire Department, Zionville VFD, Foscoe Christian Church, Watauga EOC, Holmes Convocation Center, Meat Camp Road, Town of Boone PD, First Baptist Boone.
Dear Reverend Fathers,
Please see the attached letter to faithful in both English and Spanish from Bishop Martin regarding the Synod.
Pastors, please publish the letter in your bulletins and on your websites.
Also, please include the following intercession during your Masses for all of the Sundays of October:
For the synod, that faithful to the truth and united in the Holy Spirit, we may discern the path forward as we journey together to eternal life.
Thank you,
Michelle Maher
Office of the Bishop
Diocese of Charlotte
A Message from Bishop Michael Martin
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
All of our hearts and minds are turned toward the western part of our state, which has experienced catastrophic damage from Tropical Storm Helene. More than half of our diocese’s 46 counties have been declared federal disaster areas, with 44 of our parishes and missions located within this territory. While church buildings were largely spared, families and communities have been utterly devastated – but with trust in God we will come back from this, together.
For those of you who are suffering so much from this natural disaster, especially those who have lost loved ones, please know you are not alone! Motivated by the image of Christ Crucified, we stand with you, we love you, and we are lifting you up in constant prayer.
The good people of our diocese are also pitching in to get you the help you need, now and over the long haul. So many have sprung into action – collecting bottled water, food and other emergency supplies to help those in need right now. Churches, schools and the Diocesan Pastoral Center have become staging grounds for supply drives, with staff and volunteers pushing out daily deliveries to affected areas. An online giving effort to support Catholic Charities’ relief work has seen an incredible response from people across our diocese, the nation and beyond.
If you are able, please join in responding to this crisis:
Above all, please pray – pray for all those who have lost family and friends, their homes, their livelihoods and their sense of security and well-being. United in prayer, we remain close to Jesus and to each other.
If you do not live in the affected areas, please give generously to local supply drives in your communities and to a special collection that will be taken up at Masses Oct. 5-6. Funds will be used to help both the parishes most affected by the storm and Catholic Charities’ efforts to help in these communities. Check with your parish or go to for details.
Lastly, please keep reaching out to sustain these efforts. In a few days the news reporting will end, but the devastation and suffering will remain. Catholic Charities is on the ground to coordinate long-term recovery efforts to help people rebuild their lives over the coming months and beyond. Please consider giving to Catholic Charities’ Helene Relief Fund at
I am so grateful to everyone who is working courageously and generously in this response effort. We rejoice that God has blessed us with a strong community of faith, united in times of difficulty as well as in times of celebration.
Let us all act in love and mercy, standing together as people who know that Jesus is one who has experienced all of this. And unlike His followers who initially ran from the challenge when things looked grim, we will remain with all those who are suffering, sharing a vision of hope for the life to come.
+ Most Reverend Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv.
Bishop of Charlotte
Knights of Columbus St. James Council #7152 are hosting their Fall collection for Pregnancy Resource Center in Statesville on Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6th at all the Masses. Needed items include diapers, wipes, Clorox wipes, juice boxes, disposable coffee cups, individually packed snacks paper products, etc. A Brother Knights will be in the parking lot picking up the various items.