Today, St. James Council #7152 presented a $500 donation to Statesville Hight School. LI teachers, Shelly Bailey-Hancock and Tina Hartwell and Principal Chad Parker expressed their gratitude for the continues support and donations for this Low Incidence (LI) classes. The foundation's donation is used for many purposes. The money helps their students learn to shop and purchase groceries that they use to prepare a traditional holiday meal as well as recipes that they receive on a weekly basis. The recipes are a part of our local curriculum for LI classes. The students also shop for snacks every few months and use the funds to pay for them. LI teachers also teach our students how to order food on a budget so they can eat out in the community at restaurants. LI teachers took the students to Logan's for Christmas. Last week, LI teachers took the students to eat at Village Inn to support the local Special Olympics Fundraiser. The funds helped to pay for their food. LI teachers have also used the funds to pay for fieldtrips to places like the Science Center in Catawba and the Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC.
This past weekend, Faith Formation Director Mr. Edgar Noveron and Mrs. Glenda Ulloa and their staff of teachers and volunteers put together a wonderful and successful Confirmation Retreat for 27 students. This two-day event allowed both Wednesday and Sunday classes to come together to share their faith. Monsignor Winslow will be conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 15, 2024. Mr. Edgar Noveron and Mrs. Glenda Ulloa would like to express their gratitude and appreciation of the great support from Father (Padre) Bernard, Deacon Matthew Reilly, the Catholic Daughters Association, The Hispanic Community and the Knights of Columbus of St. James Council 7152.